So I've decided to make a series of short blog entries each morning, everyday, until I send off my novel to an agent. There is quite a away to go, but my recent trips to Lincoln and then Sweden have really set me up nicely. If I don't finish, I'll have no excuses and only myself to blame. I'm giving my self just over two weeks to finish. This will give me four/five days of "holiday" to spend time with my grandparents who I've not seen since last year.
I'm 18 chapters down, which need editing/rewriting, based in discussions in Sweden, and the write the final chapters which I now have a very clear blueprint for.
I arrived home in the very early hours yesterday morning around 1am, and most of Wednesday is a blur to me. I woke up this morning intending to write, but each time I sat down nothing came to me. For the last three weeks I've looked at my writing everyday, so I guess a break is ok :) instead I've taken myself off into the woods. Currently sat by a stream with no one else around, reading a novel which isn't mine and writing this. I feel so at peace. So relaxed.
Tomorrow I start writing. The idea of the morning blogs is to layout my aims for the day, and then say if I achieved the previous days ones. Sort of a self motivation blog :)
I'll be honest, I'm starting to miss work and the people there. Just that daily contact. I've not heard anything so I'm assuming all is well (not to well, I need to be missed a little bit). But I'm on the home straight now. It's do or die time. I've been given this opportunity and the next few weeks will determine if I'm ... I was going to write winner or loser, but I think its different to that. If I do this I will have achieved something. Something that a few years ago was unreachable, and unthinkable. If I don't, then I'll have missed a trick, missed a chance to put myself out there and take a risk.
Just a few moments of risk, of stupidity, of growing some balls and taking a chance, could lead to a life changing experience. Taking it safe may be comfortable, but it's also not moving forward.
Life is for living.
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